Bengal’s Hindu Holocaust:
The Partition of India and Its Aftermath
Book Release Report By
Partition Center, NY
List of over 100 Hindu Priests, Devotees, Poor Residents Brutally Slaughtered by Pakistan Army at the Historic Ramna Kali Bari Temple in Dhaka on the Opening Hours of 1971 Genocide, Commission Head Dr. S. A. Malek
Bengal’s Hindu Holocaust: The Partition of India and Its Aftermath is am extremely painful documentation of world, Subcontinent, Bengal, Hindu and Islamic history. It is very painful because of censorship and amnesia of the victims and perpetrators, especially in the era of Black Lives Matter Movement, Remembrance of Holocaust, and witnessing the horrors of Russian destruction in Ukraine (2022). This is book on the loss of indigenous Hindu minority – missing from the Government Census, and killing through 1971 genocide of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, regular pogroms, and day-to-day devastation since partition of India in 1947 into India and Pakistan, and since 1971 into India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. The book was released on August 9, 2021in the midst of Covid pandemic crisis. The release was organized by Garuda Prakashan publisher of Delhi, India. Speakers of the online forum were Hon, Tathagata Roy, a noted writer, historian and former governor of Indian states of Tripura, and Meghalaya, Dr. Rajat Mitra, a psychologist, historian, and author of books and speaker, Mr. Ankur Pathak, the moderator, and Dr. Sachi G. Dastidar, the author of the book. Some book reading forums were canceled because of Covid pandemic.
The title of the book was decided by a group of rights workers in India.
The book breaks a taboo in the Indian Subcontinent, and around the world of discussing about Britain’s racial/communal/religious Partition of India in 1947 on the basis of Two Nation Theory of Non-Muslim (Hindu majority) and Islamic (religious minority) identity, are two races. It resulted in religious fundamentalism and intolerance which drove out almost quarter of their population from Pakistan and Bangladesh, all indigenous peoples, in two of the most populous nations on earth. The book documents ethnic cleansing of indigenous Hindu minorities from the East Pakistan/Bangladesh from their homeland. It also reminds readers of the unwise discriminatory treatments of refugees of the east, i.e. Bengal Province, to partitioned India, and of refugees of the west, i.e. Punjab Province, to partitioned India. Both the provinces of colonial British India were partitioned.
Pakistan’s Genocide Began with Slaughter of Hindu Students at the Jagannath Hall of Dhaka University by the Army of Islamic Republic of Pakistan and Its Bengali Allies.
In addition to documentation of killing and cleansing, the book highlights, extreme hypocrisy and racism – in Indian Subcontinent it is referred as communalism – of the ruling elites of two eastern Indian Bengali-majority states of West Bengal and Tripura. Ruling elites were/are East Pakistani-Bangladeshi- Hindu-Refugee-Indians who chose not to live with their Muslim neighbors for Hindu-majority India, yet calling themselves atheists, and condemning Congress Party of India who fought and brought Indian independence, as well as denigrated Indian anti-colonial nationalists who fought for United India from the oppression of British colonial rulers. Elites did not criticize the Muslim League Party which demanded, and Britain awarded, Partition of India as “Muslims and non-Muslims are two different races.” British colonizers created the Muslim League Party in 1905 in Bengal to fight against Indian independence movement. Muslim League Party supported British colonizers.
A group of Hindu and Muslim Hosts Showing Visitors a Site near Durga Sagar Lake (on the background) where Hundreds of Poor Hindu Peasants Were Slaughtered in 1950s
Report of the first day Hazarat Bal genocide of 1,000+ Hindus killed, Washington Post, January 22, 1964
Loss of population in the book came from the official Census, and killing of minorities were documented from published sources – newspapers, journals, books, public records, and more.
For book release video, please see
This book is an updated edition of, Empire’s Last Casualty: Indian Subcontinent’s Vanishing Hindu and Other Minorities, published by Firma KLM Publishers, Kolkata; 2008.
Bengal's Hindu Holocaust.....
Book Reading Organized by Bangla Abar or Bengal Again's
Srikanta Mookherjee at New Jersey Bharat Sevasram Hall
On Sunday, December 11, 2022
Mr. Mookherjee organized book reading of two books by Sachi G. Dastidar, and Kanchan Banerjee on his book, The Crash of Civilization, and philosophical, historical discussion by two other authors, Ramen Nandi on "What Happened to Hindu Temples," and Mahant Sri Ma Rajyalakshmi on Varanasi.
After the presentation there were long discussion and exchange of ideas between presenters and attendees.
It was wonderful to see a crowd of knowledgeable people attending the seminar, and discuss many philosophical ideas.
Here are a small sample of pictures from the event:
Event A
Screen Display
S. G. Dastidar Presenting
Part of the Participants
Part of Participants
Book and Partition Center's Newsletter and Journal Display
Surprising the author individuals broke the taboo and started reaching out to the author, some with very emotional tone. Here are a few of those comments on Social Media:
Dr. M. Ray, January 29, 2022
Your Bengal's Hindu Holocaust is excellent. Needs Bengali Translation also.
Diego Alvariz (via Facebook) April 4, 2022
"আমি আপনাকে চিনিনা তবে আমিও আপনার মতনই এক উদ্বাস্তু পরিবারেরই সন্তান। তবে আমি তৃতীয় জেনারেশন! আমার শৈশব ও যৌবন অতিবাহিত হয়েছিলো চিরাচরিত সেকুলার Environment যেখানে আমি বাংলাদেশ সম্পর্কে এক আলাদাই রোম্যান্স অনুভব করতাম। ঠিক এটাই করতে যে আমাদের সেখানো হয়েছিলো। আমার দাদু ও তাঁর দুই ভাই ও এক বোন যখন কলকাতার কলেজের ছাত্র তখন নোয়াখালী দাঙ্গা শুরু এবং তাতে আমার দাদুর পুরো পরিবারই শেষ হয়ে পায় ভাগ্যক্রমে বেঁচে যান আমার ঠাকুরদা এবং তাঁর ভাই বোনেরা। সেই যে ১৯৪৪-১৯৪৫ সালে কলকাতায় আগমন আর ফিরে যাননি তিনি। আজ আমি সেই বংশের তৃতীয় সন্তান। ভারতের রাজনৈতিক পরিস্থিতি পরিবর্তনের সাথে সাথে শ্যামাপ্রসাদ মুখোপাধ্যায় নামক মানুষটিকে নতুন করে চিনতে শিখি এবং বাঙালী হিন্দুদের এতোটাই দুর্ভাগ্য যে কিছু নিতান্তই সংকীর্ণ ও ছোট মনের মানসিকতার অধিকারী মানুষজন শ্যামাপ্রসাদের চরিত্র হনন করতে আনন্দবাজার পত্রিকায় কলম তুলেছিলো এবং সেগুলি ক্রমাগত ছেঁপে বারও হতো সম্পাদকীয়তে। এমনকি আমার মা ও বাবা তাঁরাও এইসব লেখায় influenced হয়ে গেছেন কিঞ্চিৎ। কিন্তু আমার সৌভাগ্য ও তথাগত রায় এবং ডঃদীনেশচন্দ্র সিংহের মতন লেখকদের নিরলস প্রচেষ্টায় তাঁদের বইপত্র পড়ে আমি বাড়িতেই মা ও বাবাকেও ঘটনার অন্যদিকটা তুলে ধরি। বামপন্থী মানসিকতা যে কিরকম সেটা আপনাদের মতন বয়ঃজেষ্ঠ মানুষদের নতুন করে আর কিইবা বুঝাবো। আমার বয়স ২৯বছর এবং বিগত ৩বছর ধরে বাঙালী হিন্দু, হিন্দু ধর্ম ও দর্শন, দেশভাগ এবং বাঙালী হিন্দুদের উপরে ঘটে যাওয়া এবং এখনও ঘটে চলা recognition হীন অন্যায় সম্পর্কে আমি পড়াশুনা করছি। বলতে বাধ্য হচ্ছি আমার সমস্ত romance শেষ হয়ে গেছে বাংলাদেশ সম্পর্কে। আপনার বইটি আজই হাতে পেয়েছি এবং আমি যেহেতু ২দিন ফেসবুক থেকে বিতাড়িত তাই ইনবক্সেই মেসেজ করলাম। জানিনা আপনি মেসেজ দেখবেন কিনা। তাও করলাম"
(Translated from original Bengali) "I don't know you, but I am
a child of a refugee family just like you. But I am the third
generation! My childhood and youth were spent in the
traditional secular environment where I used to feel a different
romance about Bangladesh. That's exactly what we were told
to do. When my grandfather and his two brothers and one
sister were college students in Calcutta, the Noakhali riots
started and my grandfather's whole family perished, but
luckily, my grandfather and his brothers and sisters
survived. Since that 1944-1946 year the whole family
stayed back in Calcutta. Today I am the third
generation child of that family. As the political situation in
India changed, I learned to recognize Shyamaprasad Mukherjee
and it was so unfortunate for the Bengali Hindus that some
very narrow-minded people took up pens in (daily) Anandabazar
to assassinate Shyamaprasad and they were reprinted
in the editorials. Even my mother and father were little bit
influenced by these writings. But due to my good fortune
that I read Tathagata Roy, and the relentless efforts of
writers like Dr. Dinesh Chandra Singha, I read their books
and brought home the other side of the story to my parents.
What Leftist ideology means I can hardly explain to
older people like yourself. I am 29 years old, and for
the last 3 years I have been reading about Bengali
Hinduism, Hindu religion and philosophy, partition
and the unrecognized injustice that has been happening
to Bengali Hindus and is still happening. I am forced
to say that all my romance is over about Bangladesh.
I received your book today and I don't know if you will see this message. Still, I wrote this.”
April 7, 2022
Note: It is worth mentioning in the context of Pakistani-
Bangladeshi-Hindu-Refugee-Indian rulers of West Bengal
and Tripura, who chose not to live with their Muslim
neighbors in Muslim-majority Bangladesh (and Pakistan)
for Hindu-majority India, a unique false narrative has
been promoted by the communal politicians. In 2020
Indian Prime Minister Modi during his visit to
Kolkata (Calcutta) renamed the port after
the savior of Bengali Hindus as Dr. Shyamaprasad Mukherji
Kolkata Port to which a Bangladeshi-Hindu-Communist-
Marxist Member of Assembly Hon. Sujan Chakrabarty
protested –not thanked – in the chamber. Hearing that
author of Bengal’s Hindu Holocaust wrote to Comrade
Sujan Chakrabarty, who was elected from Jadavpur
constituency immensely dominated by Pakistani-
Bangladeshi-Hindu-Refugee-Indians. Daily
Anandabazar wrote (Jan 20, 2020) a partisan report
(শ্যামাপ্রসাদ-নামে ক্ষোভ বাড়ছে, নিস্পৃহ তৃণমূল;
In the name of Shyamaprasad grumble is increasing,
Trinamool is silent) with pictures of hecklers.
To protest his statement Dastidar wrote on January 21, 2020
to the Assemblyman:
I am writing on behalf of my Bangladeshi-Indian-American
friends and family, most of them of Hindu refugee-origin,
as well as of many other Indian-Americans who were stunned,
possibly a fake news of Anandabazar Patrika, about your statement
on Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukherji and naming of Kolkata Port
after him. There were discussions here in the Bengali-American
community, and yesterday at the Punya Tithi Remembrance
interfaith service on Mahatma’s death anniversary.
I grew up in your area and learned a lot from leaders who because
of their communalism chose not to live with the Muslim-majority
neighbors in their (East) Pakistan/Bangladesh homeland, while
calling one ‘secular.’ Thus during my recent stay many W Bengalis
called the ‘left’ as Communal Party of India. For us the 1st, 2nd and 3rd-
generation refugees, if you change the name of West Bengal to
Shyama Prasad we may not have shown enough gratitude to his vision
to find a shelter for us. In your constituency vast majority are
Bangladeshi-Hindu refugees, including second and third generation.
I would appreciate if you could lead a drive for them to leave West Bengal
to return back to their homeland of Bangladesh as many Palestinian,
Israeli, Armenian, Irish, Cypriot, Balkans, African, African-Americans,
Muslims are doing, as I write. Moreover, you didn’t mention in your
sermon that Communists supported Colonial Masters in early 1940s,
both communist legislatures in Bengal Province voted for Partition of
Bengal, that Joyti Basu gave eloquent speeches in Colonial Bengal
Assembly and in 1946 August in Maidan in support of Muslim League’s
partition plan, yet he chose not to live in his Muslim-majority homeland.
We are also saddened that Assemblyman Somen Mitra doesn’t know when
or how Dr. Mukherji served with Premier Fazlul Haq. On behalf of all
the Bengali native-born, refugees and their descendants, and millions
of Bengali Hindus killed, we are urging a corrective measure for your churlish
remark.” Copies of the letter were sent to Chief Minister of West Bengal;
Leaders of Congress, Trinamool, BJP parties in Legislature; Somen Mitra MLA;
Anandabazar; Other Kolkata Dailies; Bengali Association of North America;
Indian-American Intellectual Forum; Kolkata Indo-Bangladesh Research Inst.
There was no response from anyone.
Incidentally, in 2005, at the North American Bengali Convention, the
head of the ruling West Bengal Communist Party-Marxist (CPM), and a
Politbureau Member of All India CPM, a Pakistani-Bangladeshi-Hindu-
-Indian Comrade Biman Basu, who chose not to live in his Muslim-majority
homeland, told a group of people offensive communal narration of his
identity. A similar letter of protest was sent to him with copies to West
Bengali and Bengali-American leaders, and media. Somehow a copy of the
letter ended up with historian-author Tathagata Roy who included in the
appendix of his book, Ja Chhilo Aamar Desh (How was my Homeland),
Mitra & Ghosh Publishers, Kolkata; 2017.
In 2021 assembly election Jadavpur constituency Communist Party-Marxist
lost to the ruling Trinamool Congress Party. One stranger Mr. Rudra, who
heard about the letter through grapevine called from a distant land to say,
“may be, just may be, because of the letter the assemblyman spoke in the
chamber afterwards telling how Communist Party of India members of
British Bengal Province voted to partition Bengal Province.”
The book is available in many stores in India and online
We are documentary filmmakers based in ..... We are working on a detailed documentary film on the plight of Bangladeshi Hindus. During our preliminary research, we came across your marvellous work on this issue, 'Bengal's Hindu Holocaust'. We got to know a lot in-depth and lesser known facets of this issue from this book.
We wish to interview you for the film.
Thank you
Regards, AS
March 4, 2022
Dr. Dastidar. Thanks so much for your invaluable research on Bengali Hindu genocide. I am teaching out of that book, specially chapters 3& 4. It is eye opener for most American students after reading “ Eichman in Jerusalem “. It’s making them think why some narratives become hegemonic and others marginalized. They are also studying the Yezidi genocide. 🙏🙏
Dr. Rinita Mazumdar, Professor, U.S.A. September 20, 2022
Analysis by Sankrant Sanu March 28, 2022
... I am reading your book currently and it's a massive eye opener.
Riyan Mazumder June 16 2022
Via -- New York Partition Center
Dear Dr Sachi Ghosh Dastidar,
First i want to offer my 'Namaskar' to you and 'Pranam' at your feet (you are much senior to me near about the age of my baba who will be reaching 80 years this month Feb, if you kindly permit me I will call you Kakababu (Mr. Uncle), both my parents hail from Barisal, Bangladesh. 2 years back I got to buy your book 'Bengal's Hindu Holocaust' in Bangalore. The book stuck a painful chord of melancholy in me.
My sincere congratulation for publishing the book, and my good wishes for your initiative. Without it our history would have vanished for our memory. At young age we have read 'One who does not learn from History is condemned to repeat it.’
I have been hearing about Barisal and Bangladesh from my childhood from parents, various relatives. We used to hear how one by one our relatives were migrating to West Bengal selling their “Zamindary (landlord) lands” and properties to eke out a survival in Calcutta and adjoining suburbs. We used to feel bad to hear this. Anyway i gave up on Bangladesh for Hindus as a 'lost cause, bygone defeated arena'.
Felt very good to hear your heart-touching initiatives. Very frankly when I see our most relatives are engrossed in their self-centered life after running away from Bangladesh, Kakababu, Mr. Uncle, when I learned your initiative, I started feeling proud. Even today there is such a man who thinks about his root!
I am giving you a little bit of myself. 20 years ago I joined ISKCON
(Srila Prabhupad), Gudiya Mott, and took diskha
(vows) from then. (Gurudev gave my ordained name as “Sanatana Dasa”, and my
wife has also received diskha from
them. Although I am a family man living in Bangalore with my wife and daughter
for the past 15 years. Baba (Dad) and Ma are still in Kolkata. With Gurudev’s
blessing and order in my head, I am following Nityananda Prabhu Chaitanya
Mahaprabhu’s teaching and Harinam Sankirtan (Teachings of God) as my life’s
direction. Also, I am trying to translate Chaitanya Deb’s Gaudiya Vaishnava
literature, then trying to promote it. (I’m send you a few links.)
Although for living, I am with IT industry and very much going through the day and night 'corporate grind’.
I am sending you some Barisal information that I know. And, get inspired when I learned that Sri Chaitanya’s closest associates Rupa Goswami and Sanatana Goswami spent their childhood in Barisal, then called Baklachandradwipa. ISKCON’s Founder Srila Prabhupada’s guru of his monkshood, Guru Bhakti Prajyan Keshab Maharaj, appeared in Banaripara, Barisal.
I still wish to visit Barisal one of these days. I tell Dad that if I can pray “Harinam Sankirtan” (a prayer) at Kirtankhola River of Barisal, then we will be showing proper respect to Kirtankhola River.)
I could not get any other contact of yours, so writing to the mail I got.
I wish I can have your darshan (view) one day.
Uncle Kakababu, I pray to Bhagaban, God, that you remain fit for many more years so that you can provide us proper energy.
With warm regards and appreciation,
Devotional namaskar (greetings).
Sanatana Dasa
Feb 11, 2023
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